Monday 17 March 2014


Monday,17th March 2014

Toucan is a poultry animal. They are normally
Black and with. They are the beak long.They eat fruit, insects and lizards. They live in tropical and sub. There are specie family.They can fly and walk. They can 't swim.

This is a picture of a toucan fly.
This is a video of a toucan capture.

Wednesday 12 March 2014


Wednesday  12th March 2014

Kangaroos are hervivores, they eat many different
types of plants. They are native from Australia.
A kangaroo is from 1  to 3 metres tall.
Their legs and feet are stronger and larger than
their arms.
They are the only animal that hops  to walk.
They are very friendly and live in groups.
Only female kagaroos have a pouch to carry their
This is a picture of an Easter Gray kangaroo.
This is a video of a kangaroo jumping.

Monday 10 March 2014


Wednesday , 5th March 2014

Badger are not very big animals. They are nocturnal , they sleep during the day. They live in groups  of more badgers.
They have a very good sense of smell.
They are omnivorous ,they lots of different foods.
Their favorite food is earthworms.
In winter  they are not  very active but they don 'hibernate.
This is a picture of a badger run in.
This is a video of a badger sleeping.